
Graphic Design

“Design adds value faster than it adds costs.”

Joel Spolsky – CEO of Trello

Digital Marketing Hanoi Graphic Design Social Media Management Brand Strategy Content Creation Vietnam

Different Mediums

Graphic Design uses different mediums to portray your company’s voice, image and product. In this age of forward thinking, mobile obsessed culture, good design is the key to making your company stand out. No one wants to be the same right? At Thud, we bottle the essence of your brand strategy into our design, utilising the best tools available.

Work for you

Whether our team of designers are sketching on Adobe Illustrator, wireframing in Sketch or manipulating dodgy blemishes in Photoshop, you know the core strategy is always to put your company first. We work right alongside you to make sure the content we create is exactly what you need to put your product in the firing line of your potential customers

Digital Marketing Hanoi Graphic Design Social Media Management Brand Strategy Content Creation Vietnam

Ahead of the curve

Graphic designs change with the seasons. What was hot last year is not this year. We are always ahead of the curve when our designs are concerned. A billboard poster, a social media post, a business envelope or a sticker…we put the same amount of attention to detail into every single piece we export.

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW!

Wow is the one to aim for.”

Milton Glaser – Designer

Digital Marketing Hanoi Graphic Design Social Media Management Brand Strategy Content Creation Vietnam

35 Nguyễn Khắc Hiếu,

Trúc Bạch, Ba Đình,

Hà Nội,


+ 84 86 88 58721

+84 37 35 99145