Frog Garden Fountain in Square Chavassiux, Hanoi by Marcus Lacey

Content creators are everywhere! They make the photos on your Facebook news feed, the TikTok videos you scroll through while waiting for your bánh mì or the promotional imagery for the latest fashion line. This may seem like its an easy thing to do…take your camera and press the button but we assure you, this is far from the truth! You need to get a talented content creator to guarantee high quality content.

Content Creation is the cornerstone of a great social media campaign. You need high quality content that is going to resonate with your target audience on multiple levels. You want engaging images or video to get the most from your marketing plan. We’ve picked the top 5 content creators in Vietnam just for you

World Trippin Productions

Based out of Hanoi, World Trippin Productions burst onto the scene just over a year ago. Stephen Parcalidis arrived in Hanoi with the dream of becoming a video producer. A tonne of hard work and graft into that direction and he is now one of the most in-demand creators in Hanoi.

We had a quick chat with Stephen to get some background on him and where he see’s content creation going in the next 5 years :

Stephen hard at work on one of the latest music videos for Canadian rapper, Nuce.

“I used to work an office job in the investment industry. After 5 years, I took “the leap” to pursue my own path and set out on a mission to build a lifestyle around creativity. What started as a YouTube travel vlog developed into my current role as an independent commercial filmmaker and photographer. I’ve redefined my purpose and created my dream life…I couldn’t be happier.

Over the next 5 years, I imagine video content will continue to become more and more popular in the world of content creation. On July 1, 2021, Instagram announced it is “no longer a photo sharing app” — I think this speaks loudly in terms of future content trends.

As a photographer and a filmmaker, I will almost always choose a video project over a photography project. You can certainly tell a story with a photo, but the creative control and depth with video opens up a whole new world of storytelling possibilities. I think that’s why people are consuming more and more video content everyday — we can tell more meaningful stories and create a deeper connection with our audience through the power of video.”

From his video series with Canadian rapper Nuce to creating product videos for some of Vietnams leading brands, the team at World Trippin are ones to watch.

Marcus Lacey

Marcus is a firm favorite when it comes to showing the true colours of Vietnam. He has captured an essence of Vietnam that no-one has before. His photos are a mixture of dark tones, bright colors and spectacular locations. Marcus has a keen eye for capturing contrasting color tones, making you see the juxtaposition that is constant in Vietnam

Marcus’s book ‘The Hanoi Photographic Collection‘ contains some of the most stunning imagery of Hanoi and the surrounding countryside. He has condensed all of his excellent work into this fantastic book. This comes highly recommended!

A true eye for colour when it comes to capturing the essence of Vietnam

Marcus is currently residing in New Zealand with plans to return to Hanoi in the future. If you want to get imagery that captures the heart and soul of Vietnam, look no further!

Marcus Lacey – Facebook

Marcus Lacey’s Website


Unique content for a unique market

From branding to content creation, FourDozen are your one stop shop when it comes to getting high quality content. They have a team of talented, young Vietnamese that has provided original, bilingual marketing and creative work for some of the country’s most recognizable brands since 2017.

We highly recommend checking out their Instagram to get a look at their creative side. They really push the boat out when it comes to creating original content. One of the market leaders and will continue to do so for quite some time!

We spoke with Alexander Yates, the one of the founding fathers in FourDozen to see where they came from and where they see the future of content creation in Vietnam :

Alexander Yates of FourDozen

Fourdozen is an independent, creative marketing agency based in Hanoi. Our roots are in education marketing, and shortly after our founding in 2017 we brought on a large roster of prestigious overseas boarding schools and universities who wanted to launch their brands in Vietnam. We’ve since expanded to partner with clients in fashion, F&B, healthcare and finance. These include outstanding Vietnamese brands that are stepping out onto the world stage, like Sông Cái Distillery.

While most of our work is rooted in Vietnam, we also manage global advocacy campaigns for clients in the nonprofit sector. Whatever the sector, our passion and values guide who we seek to work with. We are particularly interested in issues surrounding mental health, and were proud to collaborate with UNICEF and UNESCO to create a national campaign on child wellness that reached millions. Our development as an agency is the result of both our intentional effort to break into new sectors, and a necessary response to the challenges of marketing during a pandemic. For over a year and a half many of the in-person events that used to form a core part of our business have become impossible, which prompted us to develop new products and approaches.

While COVID presents challenges everywhere, we believe in the positive long-term outlook for domestic Vietnamese brands and an increasingly cosmopolitan and demanding audience of consumers. We’re eager to continue celebrating these brands, and to respect this audience with work that is both meaningful, and beautiful.

Check out FourDozen’s Facebook to keep up to date on their latest work!


A fresh look at the city, one of Rubro’s distinctive styles

All the way down south in Ho Chi Minh City, Rubro are surely making a name for themselves. With high quality, engaging content cross a number of disciplines, they are etching out a future for their industry, client by client.

With a lean towards the fashion industry, their main output has been some exceedingly well put together feature videos for their clients. They are taking Vietnam into the future kicking and screaming!

Rubro Showreel

Check out their website for more details!


WeCreate’s latest showreel

Bundeslige, Adidas, Vespa, British Council, Dirty Bird, EcoPark…..this list goes on! WeCreate has made content for some of the biggest brands in Vietnam. They excel are getting to know their target audience and delivering targeted content to wow their audience.

We spoke with WeCreates co-founder, Ian Paynton, to get an insight as to how they started and where they see the industry going. They have been around for a long time, you don’t become an industry leader like these guys over night! Ian gives us some insight into the founding of We Create Content.

WeCreate Content’s co-founder, Ian Paynton

As a team of journalists, publishers and advertisers, we started our agency, then called We Create, in 2012. It did a bit of everything, but we launched with a contract publishing magazine for Boo, which is now one of Vietnam’s largest domestic fashion brands. It was called FWD magazine and had quality editorial that celebrated all things forward, in terms of culture, fashion and creativity among young people in Vietnam.

We rebranded in 2015 to become known as a content agency, We Create Content. This was to ensure we were attracting the right type of clients for what we are expert at. Since then we’ve been working for domestic and international companies who take content and publishing seriously as a way to grow their brand in Vietnam – from Bundesliga and Manchester City to WHO, Vespa, Chevrolet and more recently Netflix. The future for us is about attracting best-fit clients, becoming known as the agency for international brands looking at Vietnam, opening our Singapore office, and enjoying the journey as much as possible.

The brands they have partnered with have all become household names within a short time of working with WeCreate. This is the perfect example of excellently curated content that is hyper targeted at an audience that is guaranteed to engage. WeCreate Content are at the top of their game at the moment, hats off!

Will In Vietnam

Part content creator, part influencer, Will In Vietnam aka Will Phap (French Will) has taken the Vietnamese TikTok community by storm. His videos rack up view counts into the millions, a hugely impressive figure for a western influencer in Vietnam!


Reply to @huyhao5 các bạn biết bánh kẹp “crêpe” 🤤🇫🇷#vtmgr #phap #frenchfood #nauan #ancungtiktok

♬ Hạ Còn Vương Nắng (Remix) #2 – DatKaa

His videos consist of day to day tasks that he adds a comical twist. His content is extremely engaging with the younger Vietnamese market due to the fact that he speaks in Vietnamese slang. He is one of the only western content creators with a following this big. Nearly 1 million followers on TikTok as of today, good work Will!

Hanoi Films

Hanoi Small Films offer a wide range of services

Another outfit out of northern Vietnam is Hanoi Films. They are a team of youthful, intelligent, and dedicated creatives who bring your small to medium sized production ideas to life. They offer an impressive range of content services with their main focus being on video. As we have mentioned before, video is becoming the number one medium for social media these days.

Hanoi Small Films were founded to bring content services such as TV advertisements, music videos, business introduction shorts and much more. They have an in-depth knowledge in the field of content creation and have worked with such business’s as Hanoi Taco Bar, Novatime and BamBoo to name but a few.

Kaaloeet Ranger of Hanoi Films

Check our their Facebook or Instagram for more details!

As you can see, there are a tonne of highly talented content creators in Vietnam. We work closely with all of our content creators to make sure that we create high quality, targeted content that is as engaging as possible with your audience. The perfect addition to your social media campaign!

Drop us a line to find out more today.

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